fandom harry potter bahasa Inggris
- buku harry potter: harry potter books
- daftar karakter harry potter: list of harry potter characters
- dunia fiksi harry potter: fictional universe of harry potter
- The Harry Potter fandom has embraced podcasts as a regular, often weekly, insight to the latest discussion in the fandom.
Fandom Harry Potter juga mengadakan podcast secara reguler, biasanya setiap minggu, dengan diskusi-diskusi terbaru dalam fandom. - Harry Potter fandom refers to the community of fans of the Harry Potter books and movies who participate in entertainment activities that revolve around the series, such as reading and writing fan fiction, creating and soliciting fan art, engaging in role-playing games, socializing on Harry Potter-based forums, and more.
"Fandom Harry Potter" mengacu pada komunitas penggemar buku dan film Harry Potter yang berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan pertunjukan yang berputar di sekitar seri, seperti membaca dan menulis fiksi penggemar, menciptakan seni penggemar, terlibat dalam permainan peran, bersosialisasi di forum berbasis Harry Potter, dan banyak lagi.